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Jeannie Ruth


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Romance and Adventure

The Secret Life of the Duke of Edgingham

The Secret Life of the

Duke of Edgingham

ISBN-13: 978-1944174439


     His Grace, Vincent Pomeroy, The Duke of Edgingham is an enigma.  Before he became a Duke he was a decorated Captain in His Majesty's Navy.  As a Duke, he seemed like a sane, sensible man; however, rumor has it since the death of his wife, he has become a drunk with no care for anything.  As he emerges from mourning, the drunken recluse is gone and is replaced by a Dandy, who seems totally enamored with fashion, quite useless for anything.  Or is he?  One should never judge someone by their appearance.  Vincent Pomeroy is not what he appears to be.


The Surprising Adventures of

Lady Tremayne

ISBN-13: 978-1944174194

     Lady Reina Tremayne has led a very quiet, comfortable, controlled life. A life controlled first by her father, then by her husband. After his death she thought she would be free, but now her son is determined to control her too. Fortunately she is able to take refuge in the Dower House, her own little private sanctuary. That is until the day a strange man sneaks into her garden and plunges the entire house into chaos. Who is doing this? How can she tell friend from foe? Are they in danger?

Runaway Angel

ISBN-13: 978-1944174101


     Angelina Wellman is not running away from anything; she's just going home, where she belongs. She didn't need a fancy education that was her father's idea and why did she need to be a lady anyways. She didn't need a husband. She could take care of herself just fine. Suddenly her world is quite literally turned upside down, and she finds herself lost confused and disoriented but more frightening than that is she doesn't know who she is or where. What is going on? Who are these men and why are they trying to drown her? What is going to happen to her?

Something of Value

ISBN-13: 978-1944174040


     Alicia Barrington and her widowed mother have lived a quiet life of seclusion in the country. During the whirlwind of her London season, it isn't Alicia who finds a husband, but her mother. When her step-father announces that he is going to marry her off, her mother spirits her away to her relatives in the colonies. However, this peace and safety is short lived when trouble follows her and rescue comes from the strangest places. But is she really rescued? What is to become of her?


ISBN-13: 978-1944174538


     Dr. Davis Gray knows someone is coming.  He knows it is a woman who needs help.  He has a very good sense of who she is, what's wrong in her life, and how he is supposed to help her; but the difficult part in these matters is always deciding whose aid he needs to enlist and what to tell them.  It's always a fine line between too much and not enough, fortunately in recent years he's been forced to become an excellent tightrope walker, so he readies his plan, and settles in to wait, because unfortunately the one thing he doesn't know … is when and where.










Ahoy matey

No fair! I wasn't done reading! Sequel Is in order please. I think I fell in love with Salty! I think being kidnapped by a pirate like and having to endure such horror would be fine if I had a Salty to take care of me!  By B.B.

      Very well written. Good story line. The sexual content was well written and nicely left to the imagine instead of being explicit. The pirates in this story turn out to be the heroes. A good read. By Helene

I loved it. The characters were realistic and it was full of intrigue and romance. ByAmazon Customer


Jeannie Ruth was born in Kewanee, Illinois, grew up in Mulvane, Kansas, and graduated from Friends University in Wichita.  She and her husband, John, spent a large part of their married life traveling with his job as a Contract Engineer.  She has visited all 48 contiguous states, and has lived in 13 states and 3 Canadian provinces.  Creating hats and reading are her favorite hobbies.  She has 4 children and 6 grandchildren.  She has published 5 books, Runaway Angel and the companion series of Something of Value, The Surprising Adventures of Lady Tremayne, The Secret Life of the Duke of Edgingham and Lost.



We were very excited to be asked to do an interview with Dallas Geek. We had a lot of fun doing it. Brad and Mike do a podcast and post pictures and interviews from the events they attend.  Like their Facebook page and keep up with events in this area. 

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